2016年4月21日 星期四

查理‧蒙格:Daily Journal會議上的問答系列(三)—教你如何估算內在價值

在今年20162月,查理‧盟格主持Daily Journal公司的2016年會,過程中他有受提問,其回答內容充滿著許多人生與投資智慧的結晶,我們將會把這次的會議答問內容作一系列的重點解說:


Questioner Nine: How do you use the discount rate to calculate intrinsic value?

Charlie Munger:  We don’t use numeric formulas that way. We take into account quality factors. It’s like a bridge hand, you have to think about a lot of things. There is never going to be a formula. If that worked, every mathematical person would be rich, but that’s not the way it works.

Q9 -a:請問您如何使用折現率估計公司的內部價值?



Questioner Nine: But you value a company…

Charlie Munger: Opportunity cost is crucial, and the risk free rate is one factor.

Q9 -b:但您曾經評估一個公司的價值?



Questioner Nine: Do you use the same rate for different businesses?

Charlie Munger: The answer is no, of course not, different businesses need different rates.  They all are viewed in terms of value, and they’re weighed one against another.  But a person will pay more for a good business than for a lousy one. We really don’t want any lousy businesses anymore. We used to make money betting on reinventing  lousy businesses and kind of wringing money out of them, but that is a really painful, difficult way to make money, especially if you’re already rich.  We don’t do much of it anymore.

We used to make money betting on reinventing  lousy businesses and kind of wringing money out of them, but that is a really painful, difficult way to make money, especially if you’re already rich.  We don’t do much of it anymore.

Sometimes we do it by accident, cause one of our businesses turns lousy, and in that case it’s like dealing with your relatives you can’t get rid of. We deal with those as best we can, but we’re out looking for new ones.

Q9 -c:您會對不同企業使用相同的利率嗎?






Questioner: My question: As an investor, what do you use to value a business or a company? How do you use the discount rate to calculate intrinsic value?

Munger: Obviously, it’s relevant what the return you get on your bonds is; that affects the value of other assets in the general climate. Obviously, your opportunity costs should cover your own investment decision making. If you happen to have a rich uncle who will sell you his business for 10% of what it’s worth, you don’t want to think about some other investment. If the opportunity cost is so great, considering everything else, you should forget about it. And most people don’t pay enough attention to opportunity cost. Bridge players know about opportunity cost. Poker players know about opportunity cost. But in an MBA faculty members and other important people, they hardly know their ass from a plate of hot squash.




Questioner: When you try to arrive at a valuation number using the discount rate, does it mean that between the two rates …

Munger: We don’t use numeric formulas that way. We take into account a whole lot of factors. It’s a multi-factor thing. And there are tradeoffs between factors. It’s just like a bridge hand. You have to think of a lot of different things at once. There’s never going to be a formula that will make you rich just by going through some horrible process. If that were true, every mathematical nerd who gets A’s in algebra would be rich. So you have to be comfortable thinking about a lot of things at once, and correctly thinking about a lot of things at once. And we don’t have a formula that will help you. And all that stuff is relevant. Opportunity cost, of course, is crucial. And, of course, the risk-free rate is a factor.








1.          評估一家公司的內在價值,考量的不止是由數字所計算出來的數字,還得去思考許多其它的內在與外在因素,例如:









2.          使用折現利益率來計算內在價值,得考量無風險的利率與機會成本的概念,一般情況下,資產的價值是由無風險利率來推動的,正如巴菲特所說,“無風險利率的作用如同資產價格的地心力”,無風險利率低,則有風險的資產價格就會高,無風險的利率高,則有風險的資產價格則會低。


3.          使用折現利益率來計算內在價值,也得考量機會成本的概念,意思就是說,即使我們有機會獲得一項可以擁有15%報酬率的資產,如果我們知道另一個資產卻可以提供更高的25%報酬率時,我們應該捨棄15%報酬率的資產,並且全力投入可以產生25%報酬率的資產。


4.          這個世界沒有所謂的單一公式可以運用在所有事情之上,至少以投資的角度而言,沒有絕對的公式可以使你致富,因為需要考量的因素會隨著人、時、地的不同而有所不同,試圖聽從或遵守一個既定的公式,只會使你的表現平庸。


5.          投資股市,所買的公司股票務必得是一家具有相當高競爭優勢的第一級公司,那些次級的公司,最好不要碰。


6.          不同條件的公司,所考量的折現率會有所不同,好的公司,折現率的要求可能低些,平庸的公司,折現率的要求要高些。




